Friday, September 29, 2006

EvErYtHiNg HaS a GeNdEr

This was sent to me by a lovely lady friend. It made me smile.
See below:

You may not know this but all nonliving things have a gender.

Ziploc Bags are Male, because they hold everything
in, but you can see right through them.

Copiers are Female, because once turned off; it
takes a while to warm them up again. It's an effective
reproductive device if the right buttons are pushed,
but can wreak havoc if the wrong buttons are pushed.

A Tire is Male, because it goes bald and it's often

A Hot Air Balloon is Male, because, to get it to go
anywhere, you have to light a fire under it, and of
course, there's the hot air part.

Sponges are Female, because they're soft,
squeezable and retain water.

A Web Page is Female, because it's always getting
hit on.

A Subway is Male, because it uses the same old
lines to pick people up.

An Hourglass is Female, because over time, the
weight shifts to the bottom.

A Hammer is Male , because it hasn't changed much
over the last 5,000 years, but it's handy to have

A Remote Control is Female. Ha! You thought it'd
be male , didn't you? But consider this - it gives a
man pleasure, he'd be lost without it, and while he
doesn't always know the right buttons to push, he
keeps trying!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

EmPtY nEsTs

I found this in the blogosphere - a mathematical truth? :)

GoOd AdViCe

The below is copied from my friend Zingtrial's blog, Working Away. I thought the advice was good and know myself that often l am the last one l think about in everyday life. I am now going to take a little more time for myself and nurture my friendships :)

Here are 8 steps to help you raise your self-esteem.(feel good about yourself.) take control of the way you feel about yourself

1. ENJOY RISKS: Remember that without risk, there is no progress. If you don’t try something new, you will never know anything different about yourself. Learn to be a risk-taker in at least some aspect of your life.Taking a class or learning something new will make you discover new things about yourself.
2.VISUALIZE SUCCESS: Imagine that your goals have been achieved.(of course, most of us rarely accomplish all goals that we set for ourselves)but if you want to do something or have something,you can visualize it and get energy and motivation out of it. It helps the dream become reality.
3.SHARE GRATITUDE: Remember to thank people who have helped you or who are helpful to you.You will feel better about yourself if you compliment other people for their accomplishments.Whether it is your child or someone else’s, a friend who needs a boost,or someone you admire or perhaps has helped you in some way,you will learn that boosting in others in others is important as well.It says good things about you if you are able to acknowledge the strengths and triumphs in those around you.
4.TREAT YOURSELF AT NIGHT: Make your bed time a happy time,quite time.We all must deal with chaos around us,but everyone should make an effort to set aside some part of the evening for him/herself.You must learn to create a heaven around you,to nurture yourself and to treat yourself well.After all,my friends if you don’t create a sense of calm around and about you .who will?Always feel tomorrow will be better,and many times it is.
5.CREATE A BUDDY SYSTEM .We all want to cry over somebody’s shoulder.Find a strong and sincere shoulder.Invest in true friends.Take care of their problems,be there for them and they will be there for you.Select them carefully and nurture your relationships with them In return,you will get tremendous sustenance.
6. ACCEPT FAILURES: Don’t give up!You know, we all sometimes goof up, make mistakes,become embarrassed or confused in front of other people.SO WHAT?Most people feel the same way.It’s a rare person who never makes a mistake.The best thing to do is to persevere when we start something.Maybe we will not like it once we are finished,but we will still feel better about ourselves for having finshed it and followed through on a commitment.
7.TRACK YOUR PROGRESS: Outline your personal goals. keep track of them through index cards or similar system to list exactly what it is you want to do with life,This can be easily updated and changed on frequent basis.Our lives are constantly in a state of change,so our goals will experience similar changes.
8. HAVE FAITH: Remember what Eleanor Roosevelt said : "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."You need to become your best friend and biggest fan,Every one needs a cheerleader,and if you don’t happen to have one,then do it yourself!Talk yourself up.Always believe that God almighty is fair and generous,and some day,somwhere,he will compensate you.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Looking over the horizon

(Image from ad.)

This first picture says it all for me at the moment as l contemplate the near future when my son embarks on his new journey at university- l am very proud of how well he had done but l also worry about how he will get on, who he will meet etc. I am sure every mum has the same worry at this time.
The lower photo was taken a few years back- l am going to miss him very much.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

A dEaR aUnTiE

The article below was taken from this weeks local newspaper. It is about a container garden that was planted in memory of two lovely ladies, one of whom was my dear Auntie. My Auntie would have loved this tribute as she enjoyed her time in the garden much.

RECENTLY staff experienced the sad loss of Sister Cathy Polonis and Anne McCreadie at Dunoon Hospital.The staff wanted to mark this with an initiative which would be appropriate. It was agreed that an area of land (courtyard) within the main block of the hospital would be converted into a quiet reflective space for staff to enjoy their much-valued and earned breaks. Sam Way, one of the porters, offered to lead on the work required and had no problem finding ‘helpers’. The result is a tranquil area, which staff have called The Quiet Garden. The garden was officially opened by Sam, whose enthusiasm and drive is infectious. The families of both Cathy and Anne were present and expressed their gratitude to everyone involved. The staff would also like to dedicate the garden to the loss of all previous colleagues, and remember them fondly; the garden is not only a quiet reflective space but a positive and happy space for all staff. Sam was presented with a watch in gratitude for his hard work. As ever there’s no keeping Sam down. Sam entered the garden for the Dunoon in Bloom award and won first prize!