Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

OnLy sPiKe

Said the mother Tern
to her baby Tern
Would you like a baby brother?
Said baby Tern
to mother Tern
One good Tern
deserves another.
--- from the book, The Bedside Milligan 1969

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

TrAnScEnDeNtAl MoOnShInE

I have been mucking about with my profile picture for a while. This one l did in photoshop last week- l added some effects to create the moon's reflection on my face. I really liked it but unfortunately when l tried to upload to Blogger the file was far too large and when l downsized it the quality was just not there.
Ironically the next day l was at the beach and my son of four years snapped a photo of me relaxing by the water- it was just perfect.

My sister is moon and she tugs at my soul, pulling the tides within me ~ Horizon

DeReLiCt & dIaBoLiCaL

This photo is of an old church at Croc-an-rear on the Isle of Bute.
On talking with one of the locals here is the story l heard:
It was bought in the 1970’s under the assumption that there would be a renovation. Unfortunately the new owner took off the roof to make a profit on the lead slates, he then continued to ransack the place- obviously made enough profit and so the place stands in ruins now- what a pity.