Friday, February 23, 2007

CoLoUr & WoRd CoNfUsIoN

I saw this in one of my husband's training manuals. I tried it and felt confused and disorientated. But then I do. Apparently the right side of the brain tries to say the colour while the left tries to read the word. I can now understand how confused Blair must have felt and panicked when he read the words SOCIALISM and LABOUR in the same sentence a decade ago.


Cursed Tea said...

Oh my!! that is fantastically HARD!!

Hope things in Scotland are going well. I'm recovering from a wonderful first mardi gras in n'awlins. I'm retiring my liver for regeneration!!
I've posted lots of photos on my blog -

Stay warm

Sling said...

I had no trouble differentiating between the word,and the color,...clearly a sign of dementia..

Sling said...
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Anonymous said...

People should read this.

Anonymous said...

ha, I am going to test my thought, your post bring me some good ideas, it's truly amazing, thanks.

- Joe