Thursday, May 18, 2006

gEnEaLoGy MaD

Top 10 Indicators That You Have
Become A Gene-Aholic:
10. You introduce your daughter
as your descendent.
9. You've never met any of the
people you send e-mail to,
even though you're related.
8. You can recite your lineage
back eight generations,
but can't remember
your nephew's name.
7. You have more photographs of
dead people than living ones.
6. You've taken a tape recorder
and/or notebook to a family reunion.
5. You've not only read the
latest GEDCOM standard,
but you also understand it.
4. The local genealogy society
borrows books from you.
3. The only film you've seen
in the last year
was the 1880 census index.
2. More than 1/2 of your book
collection is made up of marriage
records or pedigrees.
1. Your elusive ancestor has been
spotted in more different places
than Elvis!

Being keen to learn more about my family history, in terms of who they were, where they lived and what they did, I embarked on my ‘genealogy’ quest a few years ago. From a very typical starting point, knowing the names of my grandparents, some of their siblings etc., l have now pieced together a family tree that goes back ten generations.
It is worth noting that there are huge genealogical riches to be explored on the internet and without these l would not have done so well.
Latest news: Scotland's People have now got the 1841 Census!

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